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《卡特教练》又名《铁血教练 》、《放牛班的严冬》。是根据真人真事改编的一部体育励志电影。影片讲述了一位高中篮球教练带领自己的校队拼搏的励志故事。卡特执教后使一支屡战屡败的篮球队最后成为无人能敌的长胜王。他用自己行动证明:是学校的教育塑造并指引队员走上了正确的人生之路,而不仅仅是篮球比赛。
卡特教练经典台词和电影里的励志语录:1、Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.我们最怕的不是别人看不起我们2、Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.我们最怕的是我们前途无量3、It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.我们真正怕的是我们光明的一面,不是我们阴暗的一面4、Your playing small does not serve the world.随波逐流者一世徒劳5、There is nothing enlightened about shrinking没有努力就不会有成就6、so that other people won't feel insecure around you.你身边的人也会因此为你自豪7、We are all meant to shine, as children do.我们都是前途无量8、It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.不光是我们,所有人都一样9、And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously让我们发挥潜能10、give other people permission to do the same.我们身边的人自然而然的也会效仿11、As we are liberated from our own fear让我们自己从恐惧中解脱出来12、our presence automatically liberates others.我们的行为也能让他人解脱